Except we didn't really get a blizzard here. We got a pretty pathetic snow storm that dropped around five inches of fluffy stuff which started melting as soon as the sun came out. It was highly disappointing. This is the cost of living in the mid-Atlantic; you hardly ever get any decent snow. I think it's been two years since we've seen anything even remotely impressive around here. Sigh. I wish I were in Boston.* Anyway, I am nothing if not good at pretending, so I figured I'd bake some bread just as though we'd actually had a blizzard and needed something warming and delicious to snack on. Of course bread baking means that I'm reaching for Beard On Bread
*I lived in Boston for the blizzard of 2003, which hit President's Day weekend. I think it tenuously clings to its place as the most snowfall in record history, hitting Boston with over 27 inches of snow, so I swear, I know what I'm saying when I wish I were there.
Verdict: Beard on Bread is a requirement for anyone who wants to bake. Even if I won't be making the White Bread again.
which honestly was tasty, I just prefer the other, and also I probably did something wrong causing it to not rise enough, I swear, it's much more likely that I messed up than James Beard did.
1 package active dry yeast (this is 2 1/4 tsp if you use a jar)
1/2 C warm water + 3/4 C warm water (100 - 115 F)
2 t sugar
2 t salt (Beard calls for a tablespoon. He is a salt fiend)
3 3/4 - 4 C flour
softened butter, for buttering pans and bowls
Put your yeast, sugar and 1/2 C warm water into a bowl. Let it sit for about 3-5 minutes. The yeast should get all nice and puffy. While you're waiting for that, combine your flour and salt in a large bowl (I use the KitchenAid stand mixer with dough hook, but Beard works without machinery). Mix well. Then add 3/4 C warm water and mix again (not too long, just until incorporated). Then add your yeast and water and sugar mixture and mix again. I just let the dough hook do the kneading for me - about 5-10 minutes. If you want real kneading instructions, go buy Beard on Bread. I'd be awful at trying to explain it. Basically, it's done when it's nice and elastic and when you poke it, it springs back. Butter a very large bowl. Take your round of dough, and sort of roll it around the bowl, coating it with butter. Then cover and let sit in a warm draft free place (usually my counter or even in an oven that is not on) until doubled in bulk. This takes 1-2 hours depending on weather, temperature, etc. It will no long spring back when you poke it. Knead it for 3 minutes on a floured board. Cut it in two and let it sit for five minutes. Pop it into well buttered loaf pans. You can make one big loaf (maybe in a dutch oven?) or two smaller ones (either in loaf pans or whatever you think will work - I use one loaf pan and one casserole dish). Let this rise covered in a warm draft free place for 45 minutes to 1 hr 15 minutes until it doubles in bulk. Then you use water to lightly baste the tops and slit them with a knife. This slitting was my undoing as the loaves deflated (maybe my knife wasn't sharp enough?) and never returned to their former glory. Bake for 35 minutes in a 400 F oven and then check for doneness. It will sound hollow when you knock on the top. If it needs longer, just pop it back in the oven. It may need up to 50 minutes (mine was done at 35). Beard advises letting cool for 2-3 hours before cutting into it. I can't support this. Eat your bread whenever you want.
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